
Drone LA

New navigation system for autonomous vehicles

A team of the University of California Riverside is developing a navigation system that uses existing cellular signals instead of GPS. The system will support the development of autonomous vehicles, the research team claims. A team...Read more
|Comment|author: Vincent Krabbendam
Autonomous car, Nissan

‘Internet-connected vehicles number one application by 2020’

The rapid pace of digitisation is transforming the component-driven automotive sector to a software- and solutions-focussed industry, accelerated by consumers’ evolving digital lifestyle expectations and demands for new and innovative services. By 2020, internet-connected vehicles...Read more
|Comment|author: Marieke Van Gompel

Roboat expected in Amsterdam waters in 2017

In a collaboration with researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute) has started the world’s first major research program on autonomous floating vessels in metropolitan...Read more
|Comment|author: Vincent Krabbendam
Nvidia processor

Nvidia launches mobile processor for autonomous vehicle

Nvidia launched a new mobile processor for the next generation of autonomous vehicles, called Parker. The company reveiled the architecture and underlying technology of this processor at the Hot Chips conference in Cupertino, California. According...Read more
|Comment|author: Marieke Van Gompel

Self-driving BMW’s on Chinese market in 2021

BMW is planning to release its self-driving vehicles on the Chinese market five years from now. Recently, the German car manufacturer announced it will work together with Intel and Mobileye to bring solutions for highly...Read more
|Comment|author: Vincent Krabbendam
Gill Pratt Toyota

Toyota invests millions in autonomous driving research

Research focused on autonomous driving, artificial intelligence, and robotics at the University of Michigan (U-M) is boosted by an initial 22 million dollar commitment from the Toyota Research Institute (TRI). TRI’s CEO Gill Pratt announced the...Read more
|Comment|author: Vincent Krabbendam
Driverless buses, Citymobil2

Danish municipality wants to introduce selfdriving buses

The Danish municipality of Vesthimmerland plans to introduce autonomous and electric shuttle buses for public transport. Local politicians hope to save time and money with the introduction of selfdriving buses. According to the politicians, the municipality is very large with...Read more
|Comment|author: Inge Jacobs
Ford Fusion

Ford invests in mapmaker for self-driving car

Among other investors, Ford has put a stake in Civil Maps, a California based startup that makes maps fors elf-driving cars. In total, Civil maps received 6.6 million dollars in funding. It’s not clear exaclty...Read more
|Comment|author: Vincent Krabbendam